
TitleRCSI Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery
DescriptionThe RCSI Faculty of Nursing was founded in 1974 and renamed the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery in January 2000. It is one of the longest-serving providers of postgraduate nursing education in Ireland, offering education and training to registered nurses and midwives to support continuing professional development and competence.

The collection contains administrative, educational and financial papers of the Faculty along with a small collection of papers and artefacts belonging to its founding member, Dean Mary Frances Crowley.

The collection includes published material (periodicals, reviews, etc.) collected in a personal capacity by various Faculty members for the purposes of education and research where copyright does not belong to the Faculty. It is the responsibility of the researcher to enact due diligence and obtain any necessary copyright where the research being undertaken is not for personal use.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and sensitivity closures are noted at item level throughout the catalogue where they have been applied. Closure periods apply to records containing personal or financial data.
FormatMixed format
Access ConditionsBy appointment with RCSI Heritage Collections
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