Record RCSI/MI/347 does not exist in this database.
View this post on Instagram Thank you Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust for helping us #BeatTheFlu this winter by giving three of our RCN professional leads their flu vaccine. We’re calling on all nursing staff to get their flu vaccine to protect themselves and their patients too 💉 #flu #fluvaccine #fluseason #winter #nursing #nurses #patients #studentnurse A post shared by Royal College of Nursing (@thercn) on Oct 5, 2018 at 5:33am PDT
Thank you Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust for helping us #BeatTheFlu this winter by giving three of our RCN professional leads their flu vaccine. We’re calling on all nursing staff to get their flu vaccine to protect themselves and their patients too 💉 #flu #fluvaccine #fluseason #winter #nursing #nurses #patients #studentnurse
A post shared by Royal College of Nursing (@thercn) on Oct 5, 2018 at 5:33am PDT
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