
Ref NoRCSI/Photo/012
TitleRichmond Hospital Resident Staff, 1917-18
DescriptionBlack and white photograph, mounting unframed and in very poor condition. Photograph itself in decent condition however very faded. G. J. O' Donnell (NUI), H. L. Parker, B. A. (TCD), T. L. Dolan (RCS), A. M. Mullett (NUI), D. P. McGrath, B. A. (NUI), J. P. McNulty (NUI), Dr. J. P. Sheridan (House Physician), Dr. J. H. Pollock (Asst. Pathologist), Miss Hezlett (Matron), Dr. E. T. McElligott (House Surgeon), Dr. B. F. O'Reilly (House Surgeon), Mrs. H. Anderson, B.A. (NUI), M. R. Morris (RCS), Miss M. A. McNulty (NUI), J. W. Power (RCS), Miss N. McCormack (RCS) Photographers: Keogh Brothers, 124 Stephens Green and 75 LR Dorset Street, Dublin.
Access ConditionsBy appointment with RCSI Heritage Collections
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