Hierarchy Browser

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Expand ACC - RCSI Account BooksACC - RCSI Account Books
Expand ACO - RCSI Minutes from Academic CommitteeACO - RCSI Minutes from Academic Committee
AFM - Department of Development, Alumni Relations, Fellows & Members
Expand ANAE - RCSI Minutes from Faculty of AnaesthetistsANAE - RCSI Minutes from Faculty of Anaesthetists
Expand ART - RCSI Art CollectionART - RCSI Art Collection
Expand Arch - RCSI Architectural CollectionsArch - RCSI Architectural Collections
BEN - Royal Medical Benevolent Fund Society of Ireland
Expand BUC - RCSI Minutes from Buildings CommitteeBUC - RCSI Minutes from Buildings Committee
CAL - RCSI Dinner Calendar
Expand CHA - RCSI Minutes from Charter CommitteeCHA - RCSI Minutes from Charter Committee
Expand CHEM - RCSI Department of ChemistryCHEM - RCSI Department of Chemistry
Expand COL - RCSI Minutes from College MeetingsCOL - RCSI Minutes from College Meetings
COM - RCSI Committee Related Material
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CON - RCSI Minutes from Conference Committee
Expand CPHS - RCSI Centre for Positive Health SciencesCPHS - RCSI Centre for Positive Health Sciences
Expand Cert - RCSI CertificatesCert - RCSI Certificates
Expand DES - RCSI Dental SchedulesDES - RCSI Dental Schedules
Expand DPH - RCSI Diploma in Public HealthDPH - RCSI Diploma in Public Health
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Expand EDI - RCSI Equality, Diversity & InclusionEDI - RCSI Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
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Expand EXC - RCSI Minutes from the Court of ExaminersEXC - RCSI Minutes from the Court of Examiners
Expand EXM - RCSI Minutes from the Midwifery Court of ExaminersEXM - RCSI Minutes from the Midwifery Court of Examiners
EXP - RCSI Pharmacy Court Minutes
Expand EXR - RCSI Examination ResultsEXR - RCSI Examination Results
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Expand FIL - RCSI Filing BooksFIL - RCSI Filing Books
Expand FMHS - Faculty of Medicine and Health SciencesFMHS - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Expand FoN - RCSI Faculty of Nursing and MidwiferyFoN - RCSI Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery
Expand FoR - RCSI Faculty of RadiologistsFoR - RCSI Faculty of Radiologists
Expand GEN - RCSI General VolumesGEN - RCSI General Volumes
Expand GOV - RCSI Governance and ExecutiveGOV - RCSI Governance and Executive
HCR - Hayes Conyngham and Robinson Pharmaceutical Chemists
Expand HOC - RCSI Minutes from Housing CommitteeHOC - RCSI Minutes from Housing Committee
INS - RCSI Minutes from Inspection Committee
Expand IP - RCSI Individual PapersIP - RCSI Individual Papers
Expand Item - RCSI Miscellaneous ItemsItem - RCSI Miscellaneous Items
Expand LET - RCSI Letter BooksLET - RCSI Letter Books
Expand LL - RCSI Loose Leaf CollectionLL - RCSI Loose Leaf Collection
Expand LTE - RCSI Candidates for Letters TestimonialLTE - RCSI Candidates for Letters Testimonial
Expand M - RCSI Microscope CollectionM - RCSI Microscope Collection
Collapse MI - RCSI Medical Instruments CollectionMI - RCSI Medical Instruments Collection
0001 - Ear syringe
0002 - Ear syringe
0003 - Atomiser/cupping glasses
0004 - Box of knives, tweezers and scissors
0005 - Sike's hydrometer
0006 - Four knives with ebony handles
0007 - Sir Dominic Corrigan's iron and two cauteries
0008 - Four varying scalpels in wooden case
0009 - Rubber bands
0010 - Six ivory handled minor operating knives and small saw
0011 - Dental mirrors
0012 - Eye surgery set
0013 - Three dental mirrors
0014 - Eye instruments
0015 - Eight ivory handled ophthalmic instruments
0016 - Eye instruments in case
0017 - Liebreich's Ophthalmoscope
0018 - Set of six scalpels
0019 - Forceps
0020 - Liebreich's Ophthalmoscope
0021 - Dudgeon's sphygmograph
0022 - Test tubes
0023 - Chloroform bottle
0024 - Unknown med instrument
0025 - Adjustable laryngoscope
0026 - Eye instruments
0027 - Glass syringe with metal plunger
0028 - Eli Lilly Apothecary Set
0029 - Needle holder
0030 - Ophthalmoscope
0031 - Three tracheotomy tubes
0032 - Tonsil guillotine
0033 - Two bistoury knives
0034 - Trocar with side exit and trap
0035 - Austin Meldon's Trocar
0036 - Ophthalmoscope
0037 - O'Dwyer's Intubation Set
0038 - Reverdein type suture needles and spindles
0039 - The Keeler Wide Angle Ophthalmoscope
0040 - Forceps?
0041 - Bonochord portable hearing aid device
0042 - Unknown med instrument
0043 - De Renzy table knives for a one-armed person
0044 - Laryngoscope with mirrors, handles and head band
0045 - Otolaryngology materials
0046 - Ureteroscope
0047 - Sir Dominic Corrigan's massage ball
0048 - Cupping glass
0049 - Faradic Battery
0050 - Lowne's Patent Spirometer
0051 - Cupping glass with brass attachment
0052 - Aspirator
0053 - Suter needle
0054 - Dental scaling instrument set
0055 - Dry cell battery
0056 - Set of handles for scalpels
0057 - Aspirator
0058 - Enema syringe
0059 - Ear Apparatus
0060 - Syringe and needles
0061 - Magneto-Electric Machine for Nervous Diseases
0062 - Rotunda syringe
0063 - Magneto-Electric Machine for Nervous Diseases
0064 - Stomach pump
0065 - Double urethral and irrigation cystoscope with zeiss-kollmorgen optical
0066 - Unknown instruments
0067 - Atomiser set
0068 - Brass scarificators and cupping glasses and bottle
0069 - Medical hook
0070 - Towel holding forceps
0071 - Syringe, cupping glasses and oesophagus tube
0072 - Electromedical light system
0073 - Drill
0074 - Surgical instruments
0075 - Surgical set
0076 - Dissection scalpels and handled needles
0077 - Cupping set
0078 - Needle holder scissors
0079 - Case of fittings
0080 - Two lithotomy sets
0081 - Artery forceps
0082 - Operating instruments
0083 - Vaginal fistula case
0084 - Amputation set
0085 - Quantitest for the Quantitative Examination of Urine and Gastric Juice
0086 - Set of surgical and amputation instruments
0087 - Amputation and surgical instruments
0088 - Medicine bottle case, apothecaries set
0089 - Amputation instruments
0090 - Scarificators and cupping glasses
0091 - Everay violet ray high frequency generator
0092 - Apparatus
0093 - Everay violet ray high frequency generator
0094 - Cystoscope
0095 - Kombination Ureteren?
0096 - Perrere's dilator
0097 - Improved induction coil and battery
0098 - Induction coil and battery
0099 - Induction coil/galvanie battery
0100 - McIntosh No.1 Portable High Frequency Coil
0101 - Portable medical cabinet
0102 - Primus Modell 11" Aseptisches
0103 - Anaesthesia bottle
0104 - Laryngoscopic lighting tube
0105 - Surgical instruments
0106 - Haemoglobinometer
0107 - Haemoglobinometer
0108 - Haemoglobinometer
0109 - Syringe with 2 needles and 1 adaptor tube
0110 - Aseptic hypodermic tabloid case
0111 - Bazzi and Bianchi binaural phonendoscope
0112 - Empty wooden box
0113 - Syringe
0114 - Anaesthesia instruments
0115 - Kathedral Sterilizer
0116 - Ophthalmoscope
0117 - Syringe
0118 - Electromagnetic equipment
0119 - Drilling instrument
0120 - Hypodermic syringe
0121 - 'Holborn' Original Record Syringe
0122 - Trocar
0123 - Knife with shield
0124 - Plastic buttons
0125 - Catheter
0126 - Syringe, twine and cork
0127 - Sterilizing box
0128 - Forceps
0129 - Forceps
0130 - Sterilising basket
0131 - Artery forceps
0132 - Medicinal preparation bottle
0133 - Bottle
0134 - Bottle
0135 - Bottle
0136 - Artery forceps
0137 - Artery forceps
0138 - Forceps
0139 - Graduated cylinder
0140 - Glass cylinder
0141 - Glass test tube
0142 - Glass test tube with bulb end
0143 - Glass funnel
0144 - Glass funnel
0145 - Graduated cylinder
0146 - Spirit lamp
0147 - Base of oil lamp
0148 - Catheter
0149 - Tongue depressor
0150 - Artery forceps
0151 - Catheter
0152 - Bottle
0153 - 100cc flask
0154 - Chloroform inhaler bottle safety valve
0155 - Set of urethral tubes
0156 - Hammer/cautery
0157 - Artery forceps
0158 - Amputation saw
0159 - Amputation knife
0160 - Tissue forceps
0161 - Bottle with exit tubes
0162 - Schimmelbusch Inhaler with screw
0163 - Trocar with wood handle
0164 - Scalpel
0165 - Nasal dressing forceps
0166 - Forceps
0167 - Suter needle
0168 - 'Trilite' inhaler
0169 - Tudor Edwards Spectacles
0170 - Unknown med instrument
0171 - Schimmelbusch open ether and chloroform mask
0172 - Tracheotomy tube
0173 - Murphy's Chloroform Inhaler
0174 - Yankauers open ether and chloroform mask
0175 - Chloroform/ether anaesthetic inhaler
0176 - Bellows for anaesthetic equipment
0177 - Anaesthetic inhaler
0178 - Anaesthesia inhaler with electric light bulb
0179 - Chloroform/ether bottle
0180 - Case for Yankauers open ether and chloroform mask
0181 - Ether filler
0182 - Measure (ether filler)
0183 - Keogh's Ether Inhaler
0184 - Nasal inhaler
0185 - Nasal inhaler
0186 - Schimmelbusch inhaler with clamping screw
0187 - Smoke enema instrument
0188 - BVC Reference Kit
0189 - Brunton's Auriscope (Otoscope)
0190 - Small case
0191 - Medicine case
0192 - Microtome blade
0193 - Diabetes measure
0194 - Copper and ivory ear trumpets
0195 - Blood transfusion kit
0196 - Stomach pump
0197 - Enema syringe
0198 - Enema syringe in wooden box
0199 - Enema syringe
0200 - Glass syringe
0201 - Esbach's Albuminometer
0202 - Syringe body
0203 - Unknown
0204 - Glass syringe tubes
0205 - Syringe piece
0206 - Syringe pieces
0207 - Syringe piece
0208 - Glass phials in container
0209 - Tracheotomy trocar and inner and outer tube
0210 - Tracheotomy trocar in case
0211 - Tracheotomy tube
0212 - Nesbit Cystoscope Modification Resectoscope Set
0213 - Bowman's Needle Ziegler Knife Set
0214 - Brass scarificator
0215 - Brass scarificator
0216 - 'Weiss' Improved Scarificator
0217 - Brass scarificator
0218 - Ligatures
0219 - Mercury urinometer
0220 - Milk tester
0221 - Mercury thermometer
0222 - Suter needle
0223 - SpezialFabrik Fur Cystoscope
0224 - Robert McDonnell's blood transfusion apparatus
0225 - Incomplete set of surgeons knives
0226 - Urethroscope and forceps
0227 - Blood Count Set
0228 - Urethroscope set
0229 - Urethrotome maisonneuve
0230 - Urether probes
0231 - Urethroscope
0232 - Bougies
0233 - Bougies and curved catheter
0234 - Curved catheters
0235 - Ornamental catheter
0236 - Catheter set (6) and bottle
0237 - Dr. Aitken's Clinical Thermometers
0238 - Catheter
0239 - Catheters and glass bottle
0240 - Silver catheters and glass bottle
0241 - Pop up blood pressure instrument
0242 - Collection of sutures
0243 - Empire Electric Trouser Presser
0244 - Urethra instruments
0245 - Urethral bougie and introducer
0246 - Urethral instruments
0247 - Clover's Narrow Bore Ether Inhaler
0248 - Hewitts Ether Inhaler
0249 - Clover's Ether Inhaler
0250 - Set of Scrapers
0251 - Collection of amputation instruments
0252 - Case of field surgical instruments
0253 - Case of clamps and gynaecological instruments
0254 - Sterilizing equipment
0255 - Gilt lactometer
0256 - Hicks thermometer
0257 - Diabetes thermometer
0258 - Gilt thermometer
0259 - Bottle
0260 - Ophthalmoscope Auriscope Set
0261 - Bottle and case
0262 - Scalpel and box
0263 - Scalpel set
0264 - Two scalpels
0265 - Otoscope
0266 - Percursor and graduated pleximeter
0267 - Set of eye cataract knives
0268 - Ear Syringe
0269 - Brunton type auriscope
0270 - Sphygmomanometer
0271 - Pleximeter and hammer
0272 - Mercury thermometer
0273 - Trocar
0274 - Syringe plunger
0275 - Stand up clinical thermometer
0276 - Southey's drainage trocars
0277 - Silver 'Glasmet' serum syringe
0278 - Dr. Southey's Capillary Drainage Trocar for Anasarca
0279 - Sterilizer
0280 - Sterilizing box for needles
0281 - Aspirator Bottle
0282 - Set of tubes
0283 - Syringe in case
0284 - DNA Molecule Model
0285 - Various types of instruments
0286 - Anaesthesia flask and bottle
0287 - Tourniquet
0288 - Vulcanite spray
0289 - William Cary type microscope
0290 - Eye (cataract) instruments
0291 - Zavod Aneroid Pneumo Apparatus
0292 - Sir Hiriam Maxim's 'Pipe of Peace' and Maxim Inhaler
0293 - Vaginal douche
0294 - Torsion forceps
0295 - Chain saws with two handles
0296 - The New Slipper Bed Pan
0297 - Speculum with mirror on spring handle
0298 - Caustic and lint holder
0299 - Caustic applicator
0300 - Trepanning set
Expand 0301 - Terence Millin Collection0301 - Terence Millin Collection
0305 - Hawksley Random Zero
0306 - Bigelow's Evacuator
0307 - Duplex perforated dispenser
0308 - Brass scarificator
0309 - Eye douche
0310 - Eye douche
0311 - Unknown medical instrument
0312 - Ferguson's' speculum
0313 - Curved probe
0314 - Bistoury curved probe
0315 - Bistoury curved probe
0316 - Bistoury curved probe
0317 - Bistoury curved probe
0318 - Steriliser
0319 - Tonsillectomy guillotine
0320 - Guillotine with ivory handle
0321 - Tonsillectomy guillotine
0322 - Centrifuge
0323 - Needle forceps holder
0324 - Forceps
0325 - Forceps, needle holder, skin grafting instruments
0326 - Forceps
0327 - Forceps
0328 - Forceps
0329 - Dressing forceps
0330 - Forceps clamp
0331 - Forceps needle holder
0332 - Tweezers
0333 - Forceps
0334 - Silver spatulas
0335 - Clip
0336 - Clamp
0337 - Forceps
0338 - Mercurial Sphygmomanometer
0339 - Artery forceps
0340 - Clamp
0341 - Clamp
0342 - Retractor type
0343 - Brass enema syringe
0344 - Enema syringe
0345 - Artificial eye
0346 - Medicine chest
0347 - Ampoules dressing
0348 - Acid spray adaptor
0349 - Accoson Standard Mercurial No 1867 Sphygmomanometer
0350 - Night lamp
0351 - Needle holder
0352 - Stricture Dilator Set
0353 - Littman Electronic Stethoscope
0354 - Hernia knife
0355 - Clinical thermometers
0356 - Veritable Irrigateur Systeme du Docteur Eguisier
0357 - Intramuscular injection
0358 - Blood Transfusion Set
0359 - Overbeck's Rejuvenator Supreme Model
0360 - Bone amputation saw
0361 - Amputation saw
0362 - Surgical instruments
0363 - Two Frommer's Cervical Dilator No. 42
0364 - Lithotomy instruments
0365 - Silver spirit lamps
0366 - Surgeon L'Estrange's Calculofractor
0367 - Crampton's Detritus Bottle
0368 - Sir Philip Crampton's Detritus Bottle
0369 - Cystoscope
0370 - Steel intruments
0371 - Surgical Suture Catgut
0372 - Three Baunscheidt's Lebensweckers
0373 - Sound
0374 - Rubber catheter
0375 - Wooden disc with spike
0376 - Dental syringe and needles
0377 - Wilde's Ear Forceps
0378 - Manual breast pump
0379 - Wilde's Aural Snare
0380 - Wilde's snare
0381 - Assortment of medical instruments
0382 - Compass
0383 - Eye surgery kit
0384 - L'Estrange's Pulley
0385 - Tooth key
0386 - Double type tooth key
0387 - Tooth key
0388 - Tooth key
0389 - Tooth key
0390 - Dental instruments
0391 - Proctology surgery kit
0392 - Selection of syringes
0393 - Graduated syringe
0394 - Graduated syringe
0395 - Syringe
0396 - AB Clery surgery kit
0397 - Syringe
0398 - Syringe
0399 - Syringe
0400 - Syringe
0401 - Syringe
0402 - Syringe
0403 - Syringe
0404 - Two needles/syringes
0405 - Pollock Opticians set of lenses
0406 - Needle/scalpel
0408 - Liebreich's Ophthalmoscope
0409 - Morton's Ophthalmoscope
0410 - Benson's Ophthalmoscope
0411 - Retinoscopy mirror
0412 - Forceps
0413 - Canaliculus knife
0414 - Two cataract knives
0416 - Cataract scissors
0417 - Retinoscopy mirror
0418 - Beers cataract knife
0419 - Beers cataract knife
0420 - Beers cataract knife
0421 - Iris forceps
0422 - [Unknown instrument]
0423 - Spatula
0424 - Iridectomy knife
0425 - Trachoma forceps
0426 - Four cataract knives
0427A - Retinoscopy mirror
0427B - Retinoscopy Mirror
0428 - Mirror?
0429 - Ocular knifes
0432 - Scalpel with guard
0433 - Iridectomy knife
0434 - Forceps for uterine polypi
0435 - Doyen's Rectangular Retractor for Vaginal Hysterectomy
0436 - Uterine sound
0437 - Uterine probe
0438 - Braxton Hicks Rope Ecraseur
0439 - Sir Philip Crampton's Female Dilator
0440 - Two Collin's Vaginal Speculum (2)
0441 - Speculum
0443 - Vaginal speculum
0445 - Vaginal speculum
0446 - Speculum
0447 - Speculum
0448 - Speculum
0449 - Speculum
0450 - Trocar for ovariotomy
0451 - Three loose parts for speculae
0452 - Lancet case
0453 - Lancet case
0454 - Lancet case
0455 - Lancet case
0456 - Lancet case
0457 - Lancet case
0458 - Lancet case
0459 - Lancet case
0460 - Lancet case
0461 - Lancet case
0462 - Lancet case
0463 - Lancet case
0464 - Lancet case
0465 - Lancet case
0466 - Lancet case
0467 - Lancet case
0468 - Lancet case
0469 - Lancet case
0471 - Lancet case
0472 - Syme's abscess knife
0473 - Tenaculum and serotomy knife
0474 - Scalpel
0475 - Syme's and Guin abscess knives
0477 - Exploring needle
0478 - Lancets
0479 - Lancet
0480 - Syme's abscess knife
0481 - Large Syme's and Guin knives
0482 - Syme's abscess knife and Guin knife
0483 - Syme's abscess knife
0484 - Guin abscess knife
0485 - Syme's abscess knife
0486 - Exploring needle
0488 - Abscess lancet
0489 - Syme's and Guin abscess knives
0490 - Scalpel
0491 - Abscess lancet
0492 - Lancets
0493 - Lancet
0494 - Syme's abscess knife and spatula
0496 - Tenaculum
0497 - Tenaculum
0498 - Tenaculum
0499 - Tenaculum
0500 - Tenaculum
0501 - Tenaculum
0502 - Tenaculum
0503 - Syme's abscess lancet and forceps
0504 - Syme's abscess knife and blunt ended bistoury knife
0505 - Tenaculum
0506 - Tenaculum
0508 - Sharp double hook
0509 - Sharp double hook
0511 - Lancet
0512 - Exploring needle
0513 - Lancet
0515 - Scalpel
0516 - Scalpel
0517 - Scalpel
0518 - Curved bistoury
0519 - Bistoury
0520 - Hernia bistoury
0521 - Hernia bistoury
0522 - Syringe
0523 - Syringe and plunger
0524 - Syringe
0525 - Syringe
0526 - Syringe
0527 - Syringe
0528 - Syringe
0529 - Quantitest acidometer
0530 - Catgut
0531 - Thermometer
0532 - Syringe
0533 - Syringe/Thermometer?
0534 - Urinometer
0535 - Fergusons Speculum
0537 - Syringe
0538 - Test tube
0539 - Syringe
0540 - Syringe
0541 - Sphygmomanometer
0542 - Scalpel
0543 - Lancet
0544 - Lancet silar
0545 - Lancet
0546 - Lancet
0547 - Scalpel
0548 - Vaccinator lancet set
0549 - Vaccination lancets
0550 - Lancet
0551 - Lancet
0552 - Gum lancet
0553 - Curved boxwood bougies
0554 - The Airo-carbon light portable gas cylinder
0555 - Abdominal retractor
0556A - Catheter
0556B - Forceps
0557 - Forceps
0558 - Forceps
0560 - Sterilized ethiflex
0561 - Catheter
0562 - Dynamometres
0563 - Dynanometre
0564 - Exploring trocar in tooled ivory case
0565 - Knife
0566 - Exploring trocar in tooled ivory case
0567 - Exploring trocar in tooled ivory case
0568 - Wooden trocar needles
0569 - Mercury thermometer
0570 - Mercury thermometer
0571 - Exploring needles
0572 - Exploring needles
0573 - Mercury thermometer
0574 - Thermometer?
0575 - Wilde's Ear Forceps
0576 - Wilde's Ear Forceps
0577 - Set of ear speculum
0578 - Ear speculum
0579 - Ear speculum
0580 - Guarded bistoury
0581 - Galvanie battery
0584 - Monaural stethoscope
0585 - Monaural stethoscope
0586 - Monaural stethoscope
0588 - Fergusons speculum
0589 - Fergusons speculum
0590A - Binaural stethoscope
0590B - Binaural stethoscope
0591 - Stethoscope chest piece
0592 - Stethoscope ear pieces
0593 - Monaural stethoscope
0594 - Monaural stethoscope
0595 - Monaural stethoscope ear piece
0596 - Robert Graves' monaural stethoscope
0597 - Stethoscope ear pieces
0598 - Binaural stethoscope
0599 - Binaural stethoscope
0600 - Clip
0601 - Monaural stethoscope
0602 - Monaural stethoscope
0603 - Monaural stethoscope
0604A - Monaural stethoscope
0604B - Monaural Stethoscope
0605 - Stethoscope part
0606 - Monaural stethoscope
0607 - Acetabular hip cups
0608 - Sterilising container
0609 - Hewitt's pessaries
0610 - Thomas pessaries
0611 - Ferguson speculum
0612 - Ferguson speculum
0613 - Ferguson speculum
0614 - Ferguson speculum
0615 - Speculum
0616 - Speculum
0617 - Speculum
0618 - Ferguson speculum
0619 - Speculum
0620 - Cervical dilator
0621 - Murphy's buttons
0622 - Ritches' Cystoscope
0623 - Wooden case belonging to Cruise's Endoscope
0625 - Set of trepanning instruments
0626 - Enema syringe set
0627 - Ureter bougies
0628 - Holt's dilator and tubes
0630 - Set of bistouries
0632 - Brunton's auriscope
0633 - Abdominal retractors
0634 - Doyen type retractor
0635A - Bone chisel
0635B - Bone chisel
0636 - Hudson Cranial Drill
0637 - Set of dilators
0638 - Bougies
0639 - Graduated sound
0640A - Artery forceps
0640B - Artery forceps
0640C - Artery forceps
0641A - Curved forceps
0641B - Curved forceps
0642A - Curved forceps
0642B - Curved forceps
0642C - Curved forceps
0642D - Curved forceps
0643 - Clamp
0644 - Boomerang needle holder
0645 - Rib raspatory
0646 - Boomerang needle holder
0647 - Nasal snare
0648A - Tongue blades
0648B - Tongue blades
0649 - Vaginal speculum
0650 - Rib shears
0651 - Forceps
0652 - Flushing curette
0653 - Gallstone forceps
0654 - Gallstone probe
0655 - Gallstone probe
0656 - Suction/drainage tube
0657 - Dieffenbach's artery forceps
0658A - Lane type forceps
0658B - Lane type forceps
0659 - Retractor weight
0660 - Extension loop for bone traction
0661 - Bone gouge
0662 - Bone gouge
0663 - Hernia knife
0664 - Bone chisel
0665 - Dissector
0666 - Dissector
0667 - Needle holder
0668 - Thudicum's nasal speculum
0669 - Thudicum's nasal speculum
0670 - Jansen's mastoid retractor
0671 - Willett's forceps
0673 - Female catheter
0674 - Electrodes
0675 - Awl blade
0676 - Needle holder
0677 - Probe
0678 - Cylinder attachment
0679 - O'Malley's Tonsil Guillotine
0680 - Metacarpal saw
0681 - Gouge
0682 - Rasp
0683 - Curved amputation knife
0684 - Eye instrument
0686 - Southey's Trocar
0687 - Tooth forceps
0688 - Hernia knife
0689 - Bistoury
0690 - Rib shears
0691 - Plaster cutting shears
0692 - Forceps
0693 - Tongue depressor with ivory handle
0694 - Circular trade cards
0695 - Shears knife
0696A - One glass phial
0696B - One glass phial
0697 - Needle holder
0698 - Catheter
0699 - Black leather case of instruments
0702 - Uterine dilator
0703 - Case with tubes
0704 - Catheter
0705 - Three cleft palate knives
0706 - Case of instruments
0707 - Suture set
0708 - Sterilising container
0711 - Measuring table
0712 - Silver pocket watch style thermometer
0712a - Thermometer
0713 - Dermatome
0714 - Von Petz clamp
0715 - Bone saw
0716 - Operating glasses
0717 - Operating glasses
0718 - Operating glasses
0719 - Oscillometer/Sphygmometrique
0720 - Ophthalmology instruments
0721 - Cystoscope
0722 - Nerve finder
0723 - Hamblin Ophthalmoscope
0724 - Bone plate
0725 - Leg prosthesis
0726 - Prosthesis
0728 - Dr. Stokes Collection
0729 - Hewitt's gas and air apparatus
0730 - Nash Logoscope
0733 - Fluorogauge
0738 - Vulsellum forceps
0758 - Catheter
0759 - Cervical dilator
0760 - Forceps
0761 - Syringe
0762 - Forceps
0763 - Rheinstadters curette
0764 - Rheinstadters curette
0765 - Syringe
0766 - Crotchet
0767 - Curette
0768 - Midwifery forceps
0769 - Barnes obstetric forceps.
0770 - Midwifery forceps
0771 - Midwifery forceps
0772 - Midwifery forceps
0773 - Craniotomy Forceps
0774 - Uterine catheter
0775 - Crotchet
0776 - Catheter double Channel
0777 - Duck bill sims
0778 - Uterine sound
0779 - Uterine probe
0780 - Midwifery forceps
0781 - Murphy's Chloroform Inhaler
0782 - Surgical dressing case
0783 - Forceps holder
0787 - Cruise's endoscope
0788 - Anaesthetic equipment
0789 - Anaesthetic equipment
0790 - Obstetrics forceps
0791 - Obstetrics forceps
0792 - Obstetrics forceps
0793 - Uterine catheter
0794 - Uterine catheter
0795 - Uterine catheter
0796 - Uterine catheter
0797 - Female catheter
0798 - Vaginal catheter
0799 - Flushing curette
0800 - Speculum sims
0801 - Schimmelbuschs inhaler
0802 - Schimmelbuschs inhaler
0803 - Speculum
0804 - Guillotine
0805 - Gauze packer
0806 - Probe
0807 - Probe
0808 - Forceps
0809 - Scissors
0810 - Vaginal pipe
0811 - Needle holder
0812 - Forceps
0814 - Forceps
0815 - Splinters forceps
0816 - Forceps
0817 - Minor operating knife
0818 - Set of trocars
0819 - Vaginal speculum
0820 - Catheter
0821 - Portable steriliser
0822 - Hypodermic syringe
0823 - Myringotome
0824 - Ear speculum
0825 - Eye instruments
0827 - Nasal forceps
0828 - Eye magnet
0829 - Urinometer
0830 - Uterine tube
0831 - Throat and ear lamps
0832 - Surgeons needles
0834 - Hypodermic syringe
0835 - Hypodermic syringe
0836 - Hypodermic syringe
0837 - Case
0838 - Trilene Gas Mask
0839 - Vaginal speculum
0840 - Monaural stethoscope
0841 - Chlorethyl flask
0842 - Steriliser
0843 - Stethoscope parts
0844 - Haemometer
0846 - Doctors medical bag
0849 - Bistoury
0850 - Pelvimeter
0851 - Retractor
0852 - Retractor
0853 - Retractors
0854 - Retractor
0855 - Retractor
0856 - Dilating speculum
0857 - Suture needle
0858 - Curette
0859 - Curette
0860 - Forceps
0861 - Vulsellum forceps
0862 - Forceps
0863 - Scissors
0864 - Retractor
0865 - Curette
0866 - Vaginal speculum
0867 - Vaginal speculum
0868 - Curette
0869 - Curette
0870 - Gorget
0871 - Hook
0872 - Retractor
0873 - Retractor
0874 - Alfo Blease Gas Flow Gauge
0876 - Metal box of instruments
0877 - Pleximeter and hammer
0879 - Laryngeal mirror
0880 - Knife
0881 - Mirror
0882 - Hammer
0883 - Sir Dominic Corrigan's iron
0884 - Cautery iron
0885 - Cautery iron
0886 - Cautery
0887 - Cautery iron
0888 - Medical instruments
0889 - Unknown instrument
0890 - Tube
0892 - Diabetes thermometer
0894 - Neill Watson's instruments
0895 - Spectacle frames
0896 - Spectacles
0897 - Spectacles
0899 - Diary
0900 - Ammonium chloride inhaler
0901 - Water bath
0902 - Saw
0903 - Bladder syringe
0904 - Bladder syringe
0905 - Brass syringe pump
0906 - Hammer/mallet
0907 - Speculum
0908 - Speculum
0909 - Vaccinator
0910 - Syringe
0911 - Jar
0912 - Jar
0913 - Tubes
0914 - Leather shoulder bag
0915 - Large wooden slide chest
0916 - Sterile swabs
0917 - Hypodermic needles
0918 - Ligatures
0919 - Glass bottles
0921 - Apothecaries chest
0922 - Knife
0923 - Syringe
0924 - Syringe
0925 - Pair of eye knives
0926 - Syringe/aspirator
0927 - Syringe/aspirator
0928 - Rotunda syringe
0931 - Auriscope, Brunton-type
0932 - Eye instruments
0933 - Iridectomy knife
0934 - Trephine set
0935 - Trachoma forceps
0936 - Eye speculum/retractor
0937 - Eye speculum/retractor
0938 - Eye speculum/retractor
0939 - Entropium forceps
0940 - Eye forceps
0941 - Eye spatula and knife
0942 - Eye scoop
0943 - Three needles
0944 - Three cannula/pipes
0945 - Two eye speculum retractors
0946A - Intestine clamp forceps
0946B - Intestine clamp forceps
0947 - Unknown instrument
0948 - Needle holder
0949 - Scoop/scraper
0950A - Towel forceps
0950B - Towel forceps
0950C - Towel forceps
0950D - Towel forceps
0951 - Uterine clamp/forceps
0952 - Stomach/intestine forceps
0953 - Two ear speculums
0954 - Speculum
0955 - Gouge forceps
0956 - Towel forceps
0957 - Retractor
0958 - Adenoid curette
0959 - Forceps
0960 - Retractors
0961 - Dr. Esbach's Albuminometer
0962 - Cystoscope
0963A - Cystoscope attachments
0963B - Unknown instrument
0963C - Unknown instrument
0963D - Unknown instrument
0963E - Unknown instrument
0964 - Eye retractors
0965 - Eye hook
0966 - Retractors
0967 - Retractor
0968 - Retractor
0969 - Director with scoop
0970 - Ear speculum
0971 - Retractors
0972 - Retractor
0973 - Retractor
0974 - Retractor
0975 - Vulsellum forceps
0976 - Perforator
0977 - Vulsellum forceps
0978 - Dilator/bougie/probe
0979 - Forceps/needle holder
0980 - Tube
0981 - Artery forceps
0982 - Artery forceps
0983 - Artery forceps
0984 - Artery forceps
0985 - Clamp forceps
0986 - Artery forceps
0987 - Handled needle
0988 - Retractor
0989 - Retractor
0990 - Retractor
0991 - Cervical dilators
0992 - Glass jar
0993 - Sterilising container and instruments
0994 - Retractor
0996 - Clamp
0997 - Suction tube
0998 - Metal sterilising container
0999 - Forceps clamp
1000 - Forceps clamp
1001 - Catheter
1002 - Catheter
1003 - Mohr's tube clip
1004 - Syringes with sterling dish
1005 - Glass sterilising dish
1006 - Forceps
1007 - Frommers cervical dilator
1008 - Probes/dilators
1009 - Laryngoscopic lighting tube
1010 - Scalpel
1011 - Dannemora-gjustal knife
1013 - Dental models
1017 - Saw
1018 - Forceps/bone cutter?
1019 - Forceps
1020 - Probe/sound
1021 - Paragon scalpel
1022 - Sim's speculum
1023 - Midwifery forceps
1024 - Foetal stethoscope
1025 - Schimmelbuschs inhaler
1026 - Sound piece
1027 - Female catheter
1028 - Mouth gag
1029 - Catheter
1030 - Measure
1038 - Hones
1039 - Plaster cast of arm
1040 - Phrenology head
1041 - Portable ECG machine
1045 - Plaster model of hand
1046 - Three glass pipettes
1047 - Flask with rubber bulb
1048 - Trilene canister/dispenser
1049 - Schimmelbusch mask
1050 - Mask
1051 - Syringe
1052 - Syringe
1053 - Syringe
1054 - Critikon neonatal cuff
1056 - Two wire clips/retractors
1057 - Dental material
1058 - ECG machine
1059 - Scoop/gouge
1060 - Retractor
1061 - Tweezers
1062 - Forceps
1063 - Knife
1064 - Syringe
1065 - Two glass bottles
1066 - Urine testing kit
1067 - Copper pots
1068 - Dental instruments
Expand 1070 - Doctor's bag1070 - Doctor's bag
1071 - Pocket surgical kit
1072 - First aid kit
1075 - Haemometer
1077 - Bone handled blades
1078 - Box of blades
1079 - Surgical pieces
1080 - Bazzi and Bianchi phonendoscope
1081 - Syringe holder
1082 - Blades
1083 - Box of needles
1084 - Syringe needles
1085 - Box of syringe needles
1086 - Syringe
1087 - Box of blades
1088 - Hypodermic syringe/needle
1089 - Forceps
1090 - Surgical clamps
1091 - Syringe/needle
1092 - Assorted needles
1093 - Knife
1094 - Knife
1095 - Knife
1096 - Blade
1097A - Blade holder
1097B - Blade holder
1097C - Blade holder
1097D - Blade holder
1098 - Eye probe
1099 - Tweezers
1100 - Glass container
1101 - Needles
1102 - Machine for deafness
1103 - Surgical scissors
1104 - Trocar
1105 - Surgical pieces
1106 - Surgical syringe
1107 - Surgical blades
1108 - Blood pressure unit
1109 - Brass syringe
1110 - Surgical instruments
1111 - Surgical pump
1112 - Blood pressure unit
1113 - Surgical pieces
1114 - Surgical instruments
1115 - Ear pieces
1116 - Surgical amputation set
1117 - Peritoneoscope
1118 - Operation instrument
1119 - Operation instruments
1120 - Slides in metal case
1121 - Optical box?
1122 - Puretha Gas Mask
1123 - Syringes
1124 - Hearing machine
1125 - Surgical set
1126 - Scarifier
1127 - Orthopaedic instrument
1128 - Viule syringe
1129 - 'Assistent' Haemometer
1130 - Surgical probe instruments
Expand 1131 - Farnon Collection1131 - Farnon Collection
1132A - Microscope parts
1132B - Microscope parts
1132C - Microscope parts
1133 - Shin pads
1134 - Syringe
1135 - Medical box
1136 - Mask holder
1137A - Gas mask
1137B - Gas mask
1137C - Gas mask
1138 - Glass bottles
1139 - Hyfrecator
1140A - Axis traction forceps
1140B - Axis traction forceps
1140C - Axis traction forceps
1141 - Retractor
1142 - Curette
1143 - Double needle
1144 - Artery forceps
1145 - Needle holder
1146 - Rectal specula
1147A - Hammer holder
1147B - Hammer holder
1148 - Forceps
1149 - Bougies urethral
1150 - Retractor
1151A - Bone cutting forceps
1151B - Bone cutting forceps
1152A - Bone scoop
1152B - Bone scoop
1153 - Bone cutter
1154A - Scalpel knife
1154B - Sharp hook
1155 - Scalpel knife
1156 - Curved knife
1157 - Surgical knife
1158A - Surgical knife
1158B - Surgical knife
1159 - Surgical scalpel
1160 - Bone scoop
1161 - Dental mirror
1162 - Surgical probe
1163 - Surgical probe pieces
1164 - Surgical knife pieces
1165 - Surgical knife pieces
1166 - Surgical knife pieces
1167 - Surgical knife pieces
Collapse 1170 - Medical pieces1170 - Medical pieces
1171 - Davidson Pneumothorax Apparatus
1172 - Trocar
1173 - Trocar
1174 - Metacarpal saw
1175 - Duplay nasal speculum
1176 - Tooth extractor
1177 - Curved needle
1178 - Polypus forceps
1179 - Mask holders
1180 - Army regulation saw
1181 - Amputation saw
1182 - Needle holder
1183 - Retractors
1184 - Eye scissors
1185 - Dressing scissors
1186 - Clamp scissors
1187 - Curved bistoury
1188 - Mastoid retractor
1189 - Cleft palate instrument
1190 - Mouth gag
1191 - Mouth gag
1192 - Mouth gag
1193 - Suprapubic catheter
1194 - Chain hooks
1195 - Forceps
1196 - Trocar
1197 - Scalpel
1198 - Hydrocele trocar
1199 - Bivalve speculum
1200 - Pile forceps
1201 - Medical hook
1202 - Suture needle holder
1203 - Hand drill protector
1204 - Gosset retractor
1205 - Dentist mirror
1206 - Medical hook
1207 - Surgical knife
1208 - Mucus extractor
1209 - Bougie and catheter gauge
1210 - Suture needle holder
1211 - Suture needle holder
1212 - Suture needle holder
1213 - Bone chisel
1214 - Artery forceps
1215 - Dental instruments/pieces
1216 - Zeichenapparat
1217 - Zeiger Doppelokular
1218 - Polarisations
1219 - Measurement gauge
1220 - Polygraph
1221 - Magneto-electric machine
1222 - Glass bottles
1224 - Zeiger doppelokular
1225 - Zeiger doppelokular
1227 - Mini microscope
1228A - Ophthalmoscope
1228B - Blades
1229 - Blade
1230 - Sphygmograph
1231 - Sphygmograph
1232 - Portable heart monitor
1233 - Machine to record pulse
1234 - Machine to record pulse
1237 - Blades
1238 - Blades
1239 - Blades
1242 - Blades
1246 - Miniscope
1247 - Microreactor
1248 - Electric surger?
1249 - Southall's Ureometer
1250 - Improved Uricometer
1251 - Skin temperature measuring outfit
1252 - Haldane apparatus
1253 - Kymograph blood pressure instrument
1254 - Cutting machine
1255 - Medical machine?
1256 - Baumanometer Desk Model
1257 - Boyle's Ether Vaporizer
1258 - Hypodermic syringe
1259 - Speculum
1260 - Laryngeal mirror
1261 - Aural speculum
1262 - Tuning fork
1263 - Clamp
1264 - Needle holding scissors
1265 - Safety pin holder
1266 - Hooked scissors
1267 - Clamp pin
1268 A - Thermometer
1268 B - Thermometer
1268 C - Thermometer
1269 - Medical torch
1270 - Dentist mirror
1271 - Tuning fork
1272 - Trephine
1273 - Tuning fork
1274 - Silver box of medical instruments
1275 - Tuning fork
1276 - Binaural stethoscope
1277 - Urethra instrument pieces
1278 - Mouth gag
1279 - Mastoid retractor
1280 - Nasal speculum
1281 - Forceps joint
1282 - Rectal speculum
1283 - Tongue depressor
1284 - Nasal punch forceps
1285 - Surgical clamps and scissors.
1285A - Surgical knives.
1285B - Surgical knives.
1285C - Surgical knives.
1286 - Sterilizer forceps
1287 - Tuning forks
1288 - Glycerine syringe
1289 - Viule syringe
1290 - Tongue depressor
1291 - Surgeon blade
1292 - Dental mirror
1293 - Bladder syringe
1294 - Stethoscope
1295 - Glycerine syringe
1296 - Nasal snare
1297 - Spring tracheotomy tubes
1298 - Dalby's' post nasal scraper.
1299 - Respirators
1300 - Dental drills
1301 - Tongue clamp
1302 - Binaural stethoscope
1303 - Binaural phonophore stethoscope
1304A - Binaural pieces
1304B - Binaural pieces
1305 - Chest piece finger rest
1306 - Aneurysm needle
1307A - Sharp spoon
1307B - Sharp spoon
1307C - Sharp spoon
1308A - Dental mirrors
1308B - Dental mirrors
1308C - Dental mirrors
1309 - Trephine
1310 - Percussion hammer
1311 - Sponge forceps
1312 - Scissors clamp
1313 - Aural speculum
1314 - Eustachian catheter
1315 - Suture needle holder
1316 - Hernia needle holder
1317 - Skull elevator
1318 - Gland forceps
1319 - Vulsellum forceps
1320 - Surgical blades
1321 - Jugs
1322 - Wooden cases
1333 - Urethral ingator
1334 - Sputum cup
1335 - Funnel
1336 - Dentist mirror
1337 - Uterine catheter
1338 - Uterine catheter
1339 - Uterine catheter
1340 - Curette recamier
1341 - Speculum
1342 - Reflector
1343 - Nasal polyp snare
1344 - Sliding needle
1345 - Double channel lithotrite
1346 - Cauteries
1347 - Bone scoops
1348 - Bone drills
1349 - Clamps
1350 - Bone scoop
1351 - Dental probes
1352 - Needle probes
1353 - Dental hook
1354 - Surgical hook
1355 - Scalpels
1356 - Dentist probes
1357 - Needle hook
1358 - Uterine needle
1359 - Uterine needle
1360 - Female catheter
1361 - Bone cutter
1362 - Dental hook
1363 - Needles
1364 - Copper pencil
1365 - Case holder/horse hair/Cat gut
1366 - Moynihans suture needles
1369 - Uterine catheter
1370 - 'Gibson' uterine catheter
1371 - Sponge holder
1372A - Aural speculum
1372B - Aural speculum
1373 - Set of hooks
1374A - Female catheter
1374B - Female catheter
1375 - Needle hook gun
1376 - Tread holder
1377 - Pile clamp
1378 - Mouth clamp
1379 - Surgical scalpel
1380 - Forceps joint
1381 - Forceps clamp
1382 - Sponge holder
1383 - Tonsil dissecting forceps
1384 - Fixation forceps
1385 - Barnes obstetric forceps
1386 - Retractor
1387 - Syringe
1388 - Trephine
1389 - Needles
1390 - Suture set
1391 - Syringe
1392 - Surgical blades
1393 - Surgical blades
1394 - Surgical blades
1395 - Microscope slides
1396 - Retractor
1397 - Retractor
1398 - Set of sutures
1399 - Set of sutures
1400 - Microscope slides
1401 - Needle holder
1402 - Dentist mirror
1403 - Sharpening block
1404 - Surgical tray and surgical instruments
1405 - Glass items
1406 - Transfusion pieces
1407 - Scalpels
1408 - Pearson's calliper
1409 - Curved scissors
1410 - Pneumothorax trocar
1411 - Bowel scissors
1412 - Staff Syme.s
1413 - Chisel
1414 - Iris hook
1415 - Graefe's cystotome
1416 - Respiratory piece
1417 - Clamp
1418 - Clamp
1419 - Clamp
1420 - Probe piece
1421 - Probe piece
1422 - Probe piece
1423 - Probe piece
1424 - Surgical pieces
1425 - Surgical pieces
1426 - Male catheters
1427 - Male catheters
1428 - Male catheters
1429 - Male catheters
1430 - Tooth keys
1431 - Wooden Pure Vaseline box
1432 - Empty microscope box
1433 - Syringe case
1434 - Box with glass bulbs
1436 - Empty microscope box
1437 - Richard Purefoy microscope box
1438 - Wooden box
1439 - Microscope box
1442 - Microscope box
1443 - Microscope box
1445 - Blood pressure unit
1446 - Vice grip machine
1449 - Measuring unit
1450 - Chemistry speaker
1451 - Measuring machine
1455 - Set of scalpels
1456 - Barometric pressure unit
1457 - Glass?
1458 - Measuring machine
1459 - Measuring machine
1460 - Spirit probe case
1461 - Spirit probe case
1462 - Eye probe
1463 - Cataract knife
1464 - Harelip forceps
1465 - Trocar
1466 - Spirit lamp
1467 - Thermometer
1468 - Stitching clamps
1469 - Probes
1470 - Catheter
1471 - Catheter
1472 - Hearing piece
1473 - Clamps
1474 - Drainage tube
1475 - Needle gun
1476 - Clamp
1477 - Probe
1478 - Medical probe
1479 - Stitching clamp
1480 - Probe
1481 - Probe
1482 - Clamp
1483 - Probe
1484 - Med Probe for needles
1485 - Medical probes
1486 - Mouth gag
1487 - Metal dilator
1488 - Medical piece holder
1489 - Needle clamp
1490 - Probe
1491 - Unknown med instrument
1492 - Needle holder scissors
1493 - Artery forceps
1494 - Needle holder scissors
1495 - Clamp scissors
1496 - Surgical saw
1497 - Antrum punch forceps
1498 - Cutting shears
1499 - Suture clamp
1500 - Needle clamp
1501 - Forceps
1502 - Tongue forceps
1503 - Scissors
1504 - Tonsil forceps
1505 - Scissors
1506 - Dental forceps
1507 - Dental forceps
1508 - Dental forceps
1509 - Female catheter
1510 - Catheter
1511 - Catheter
1512 - Forceps
1513 - Forceps
1514 - Forceps
1515 - Forceps
1516 - Pile clamp
1517 - Pile clamp
1518 - Pile clamp
1519 - Pile clamp
1520 - Sponge holder
1521 - Bone cutter
1522 - Needle
1523 - Curette
1524 - Probe
1525 - Scalpel
1526 - Clamp
1527 - Clamp
1528 - Probe
1529 - Probe
1530 - Probe
1531 - Blades
1532 - Surgeon's blade
1533 - Surgeon's blade'
1534 - Axis forceps
1535 - Probe
1536 - Dentist mirror
1537 - Ear horns
1538 - Scarifier
1539 - Scarifier
1540 - Dilation gauge
1541 - Eye glass
1542 - Rybar (Pocket) Inhaler
1543 - Glass syringe
1544 - Valentine's Meat Juice
Expand 1545 - Dr. Ann Wilson Collection1545 - Dr. Ann Wilson Collection
1546 - Medical instruments case
1547 - Glass pipette
1548 - Weighing scales and weights
1549 - Tin foil
1550 - Wooden box with glass slides
1551 - Sparklet CO2 Snow Apparatus Model J
1552 - Circular metal tin
1553 - Marsh-Berzelius test
1554 - Wooden box containing bottles of minerals
1555 - Wolf jar
1556 - Gold leaf electroscope
1557 - Polarimeter
1558 - Weighing scales and weights
1559 - Unknown
1560 - Glass trimmer
1561 - Large weighing scales
1562 - Weighing scale weights
1563 - Weighing scale weights
1564 - Weighing scales weights
1565 - Assortment of chemical glassware
1566 - 'Poison' bottle
1567 - Glass bottle with stopper
1568 - Glass bottle with stopper
1569 - Wolf jar
1570 - Hydrometer
1571 - Induction coil
1572 - Gold leaf electroscope
1573 - Gold leaf electroscope
1574 - Unknown chemistry instrument
1575 - Universal Avometer Model 7
1576 - Static measure
1577 - Rock specimens
1578 - Glass slides
1579 - Thermometer
1580 - Hamilton syringe
1581 - Two Lange Skinfold Callipers
1582 - Unknown instrument
1583 - Glass syringe
1584 - Aspirateur pneumatique sous cutane
1585 - Brass enema
1586 - O'Sullivan Collection
1587 - Field amputation and surgery set
1588 - Monaural stethoscope
1589 - Fistula bistoury knives
1590 - Syringe Set
1591 - Knives
1592 - Leather surgical bag
1593 - Wooden case
1594 - Ophthalmy box
1595 - Set of medical pieces
1596 - Silver needle holder
1597 - Field surgical set
1598 - Trepanning drill
1599 - Neal Dental Syringe
1600 - Callipers
1601 - Ophthalmology teaching aid
1602 - Leeches jar
1603 - McKesson Anaesthetic Machine
Expand 1604 - Heneghan Collection1604 - Heneghan Collection
1605 - Heayberd Battery Charger
1606 - Unilaser
1607 - Newton Victor x-ray machine
1608 - Gowland Auriscope
1609 - Ophthalmology Diagnostic Set
1611 - Syringe in metal case
1612 - Set of scalpels
1613 - Set of scalpels
1614 - McCarthy miniature examining, catheterizing and operating cystoscope
1615 - Children's tracheostomy tubes
1616 - ENT Bull's eye lamp
1617 - Professor Schioetz's tonometer
1618 - Optometrist's trial frame
Expand 1619 - Professor Eoin O'Brien Collection1619 - Professor Eoin O'Brien Collection
Expand 1620 - Dr. Patrick John Mathews Collection1620 - Dr. Patrick John Mathews Collection
1621 - Dermot O'Donoghue Collection
Expand 1623 - A.P.N. Kennedy Collection1623 - A.P.N. Kennedy Collection
Expand 1624 - Daniel Maher Collection1624 - Daniel Maher Collection
1625 - Harold J Browne Medical Bag
1626 - Surgical Instrument case
Expand 1627 - Prof Stephen Doyle collection1627 - Prof Stephen Doyle collection
1628 - Doctors bag
Expand MIS - RCSI Minutes from Various CommitteesMIS - RCSI Minutes from Various Committees
Expand MS - RCSI ManuscriptMS - RCSI Manuscript
Expand MUC - RCSI Minutes from Museum CommitteeMUC - RCSI Minutes from Museum Committee
Expand Medals - RCSI Medal CollectionMedals - RCSI Medal Collection
NOS - RCSI Minutes from Non-Standing Committee
Expand News - RCSI Newspaper CollectionNews - RCSI Newspaper Collection
Expand PAC - RCSI Minutes from Parliamentary CommitteePAC - RCSI Minutes from Parliamentary Committee
Expand PAMP - RCSI Pamphlet CollectionPAMP - RCSI Pamphlet Collection
PAR - RCSI House of Commons Return
PRM - RCSI Minutes from Professors Meetings
Expand PRO - RCSI ProfessorsPRO - RCSI Professors
Expand PSC - RCSI Conjoint Examination SchedulesPSC - RCSI Conjoint Examination Schedules
Expand Photo - RCSI Photograph CollectionPhoto - RCSI Photograph Collection
Expand Plaque - RCSI Plaque CollectionPlaque - RCSI Plaque Collection
Expand RCPI - RCSI and Royal College of Physicians in Ireland related materialRCPI - RCSI and Royal College of Physicians in Ireland related material
Expand SCC - RCSI Minutes from School CommitteeSCC - RCSI Minutes from School Committee
SCH - RCSI Scholarships
Expand SCO - RCSI Minutes from School CommissionSCO - RCSI Minutes from School Commission
Expand SIG - RCSI Committee Signature BooksSIG - RCSI Committee Signature Books
Expand SR - RCSI Student RecruitmentSR - RCSI Student Recruitment
Expand SS - RCSI Student ServicesSS - RCSI Student Services
Expand SU - RCSI Students UnionSU - RCSI Students Union
Expand Silver - RCSI Silverware CollectionSilver - RCSI Silverware Collection
Expand VS - RCSI Visual CollectionsVS - RCSI Visual Collections
Expand WAG - RCSI Wages BooksWAG - RCSI Wages Books
Expand Wax - RCSI Northumberland Museum CollectionWax - RCSI Northumberland Museum Collection

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